Since 1978 GESPAP represents international manufacturers from the paper, paperboard, packaging, films and extrusion industry in the Spanish and Portuguese markets.

Our experience of 30 years give us a deep knowledge from the needs of the customers, knowing precisely the current demands, the market prices and the trends.

The collaboration with the manufacturers gives them the opportunity to work with a portfolio of existing customers, which are diversified and consume different types of products.

Thanks to our net, we do successfully market prospections, finding and developing new businesses with new customers.

Gespap takes care of the order process, ensuring regular orders from customers, collaboration with the transport and logistics, payments in the agreed terms and satisfying manufacturers and customers’ requests.

Visiting periodically the customers to keep an eye on the business is also a key point for Gespap. We visit customers to show new products, attend to troubleshooting, trials and to keep in touch.

Gespap has a structure of five employees located in Barcelona and Tarragona and works with subagents located in different places of Spain and Portugal.


Exclusivity: our compromise is to work exclusively with one manufacturer of each sector, making all efforts to develope the full market and stablishing regular business relations based on partnership.

Expertise: we are experts in materials for packaging, applications, logistics and customer service.


  • Business development and qualified support inside and outside sales through persons with decades of experience in the market segment of paper/board, packaging and foils.
  • Languages of correspondence amongst others: English, German, Catalan, French, Spanish and Italian.
  • Technical support
  • Product training
  • Development of customised, innovative products together with our suppliers.
  • After sales service
  • Logistical solutions


We are looking for new type of products. Do not hesitate to contact us for a possible collaboration.